FIND RELIEF FOR Arm or Leg Pain in Glendale CA

chiropractor near you may be able to help arm and leg pain

Experiencing arm or leg pain in Glendale CA? Your arms and legs are important to your mobility. Your shoulder and hip joints are used every day. The common overuse of these joints through work or exercise leads to possible injury and pain. With the numerous reasons for the pain in these joints, it is hard for most people to locate the center of the pain. There are many causes to trigger the pain, like sleeping in the wrong position. Our chiropractic team at Gohl and Choe Chiropractic is here to treat any cause of pain and provide good results.

Arm and Leg Pain in Glendale CA

With a slow progression, the source of arm and leg pain can often go undetected. High amounts of pain lead to most people using the prescription medication as a solution. Prescriptions like this can involve unwanted side effects that contribute to leg and arm pain.

What is the Source of My Discomfort

Our staff at Gohl and Choe Chiropractic execute a thorough evaluation to pinpoint the cause of your pain. This evaluation will normally include, medical history, physical assessment, and advanced imaging techniques. From our evaluation, we should be able to locate the source of pain, the causes, symptoms, and how to treat it effectively.

How Can Chiropractic Help?

Finding the cause of your symptoms is the first step in the treatment of your leg and arm pain. At Gohl and Choe Chiropractic findings suggest most arm and leg pain patients are victims of a spinal misalignment. Bones and discs become misaligned which can create nerve irritation leading to pain spreading throughout the body.

Usually, our patients do not realize that spinal nerves can reach the ends of their hands and feet. This means that having a spine injury can send pain to areas that have not received injury. Our trained and specialized treatments have a great track record in effective results for relief.

If you are experiencing leg or arm pain in Glendale CA, contact Gohl and Choe Chiropractic today to schedule an appointment so you can start on your road to recovery!


9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 2:00pm

9:00am - 2:00pm


Gohl and Choe Chiropractic

1111 N Brand Blvd Ste. 402
Glendale, CA 91202
(818) 243-6206